Tips & Usage Guidelines
Here are a number of things we recommend you do to make it easy to participate and keep up with the discussions.
It makes a humongous difference when you fill out some information about yourself. You can add a profile picture, ideally of your face, since this community also meets in person regularly. Slack also supports adding pronouns, name pronunciations, and a title. Members also commonly add their current company in parentheses after their name. e.g. Adam Tornes (CoPro, SwingU)
Before you start posting to the Slack, send an introduction to the group in #intros channel. What’s your name? Where are you based? What kinds of questions are you interested in? What kind of work are you doing? What companies/products do you work on? Why is applied ethnography in your world of interest?
Everyone is automatically added to several channels (#general, #events #jobs, #office-hours, #intros, and #product). Here is a little about our main channels and some additional ones to consider!
Some recommended ways to get involved right away:
Feel free to propose new channels about topics that interest you. Let the admins know, and they can set it up for you. You can send private messages to individuals or you can start private group messages.
If you’re new to Slack, here are a couple of helpful tips:
A list of more slack tips from Slack.
It only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch so we ask that you please adhere to the following simple guidelines. If you have questions about any of these rules, or how they do or don’t apply to your situation, please reach out to me @Ben Golden – Slack Community Manager, who is happy to help!
Sexist, racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic insults and broad, offensive generalizations about groups of people will not be tolerated and will lead to expulsion. Similarly, personal attacks are never appropriate. Please be a good person.
That being said, we are here to learn from one another and grow. Debate and critical analysis is not just okay, but critical! Speak your mind, just be respectful.
This just isn’t the place. Things like unsolicited DM’s (especially in bulk), incessantly posting about your Design consultancy, and offering deep discounts on your weight-loss supplements is not the kind of content that makes Colorado Product great. Promoting your employer or any other institution you have a financial stake in is expressly prohibited. Colorado Product is about genuinely sharing in the product practice, which simply can’t happen if folks put their individual needs ahead of the community.
*We may on occasion permit Vendors to post in our Slack group as a part of a sponsorship agreement, but they must obtain permission first and are ONLY granted permission in exchange for a mutually agreed upon tangible benefit to the community (e.g. sponsorship dollars, discounts for the community, event space, etc.)
Plenty of folks work at a startup looking for traction, have a side hustle, or otherwise would like to leverage the scale of the community for their benefit, but keep it in the #asksandoffers channel only. Feel free to expressly promote yourself or your organization in this channel, but please exercise some common sense and please genuinely attempt to match the asks you make with offers or other contributions to the community.
Above all, our goal is to make sure the community never feels like a burden to its members, so make sure you honestly feel like you aren’t straying into spam territory! If abused, Colorado Product will give you a warning, if not heeded, your access to the community will be revoked.
If you’re not sure, don’t do it. And if you want a sounding board, reach out to @Ben Golden – Slack Community Manager, who is happy to help!
That being said, the door swings both ways, mind your notification settings, Slack has a lot of notification flexibility. If you’re that bent out of shape about @here getting used, maybe fix your settings rather than berating a complete stranger.
Please alert the Colorado Product board of directors to anything we should review in light of the above.
If you want to contact the admins for any reason, just hit up any of the following folks: